Thursday, May 19, 2005

The New Beginning

Weight: 185

Food today: Breakfast: peanut butter toast (2 pieces), coffee

Lunch: tomato, cucumber and cheddar sandwich, wheat bread, mayo

Water: three servings so far.

Every journal I have started for the past 30 years has begun, "this time I am really going to lose weight." I'm not going to start this one that way. Maybe that will help.

I am hoping that by keeping track of my eating and exercise, I'll be motivated to keep working. Maybe by putting it in writing on the internet, even in a private place, I'll take charge of my eating and activity.

I am not on a diet. Diets don't work. There are no forbidden foods, except things that taste nasty and only fill my face while I'm trying to realize what else I want to eat. I will not eat just because I am bored. I will eat more fresh stuff and complex stuff and interesting stuff. I will learn how to use herbs and spices. I will try new things.

I am not on an exercise regimen. Those are really yucky. I'm too old to do yucky stuff. I will walk with my children and husband. I will go to Curves because I like the way I feel when I go there. I like to be strong. I will do things that make me feel strong and happy.

I will not bore people with my non-diet and non-regimen. However, I think I'll invite some people to read this, if they are interested. Just to keep me on my toes.

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