It's been a very long time since I've written, I know. You can look at my other blog & I'll explain my Facebook Farm Town addiction. I'd like to say I've been really good about eating well and exercising, but no... it's been spotty at best.
I have been eating a lighter lunch so that I don't feel like taking a nap in the afternoon. Well, I still want to nap, but it's not quite as bad. With fresh tomatoes in the garden, it's not hard to choose cheese and tomato on whole wheat flat bread instead of a Hardee's burger. I have pretty much gotten over fast food. And except for a birthday dinner at Applebee's where I managed to get the worst meal possible, I've made good choices in restaurants.
My new goal is to have Michelle Obama's arms. I'm hoping the Secret Service will understand. Arms are actually one of the easiest areas to tone up because the problem is more about flab than fat. At least, for now. My chicken wings haven't gotten to the full bat wings yet.
And to that goal, I bought (you knew that was coming) an exercise mat, an 8-lb. ball, a pilates miracle ring (think Suzanne Sommers), and this weird pilates contraption with a bar and some elastic bands.
And starting today (or tomorrow) I am going to use these things every other day.
AND I am going to walk every single damn day.
And I am going to eat at least a rainbow a day, and it won't be all fried. (Although I can't promise to completely forgo fried okra and fried squash.)
And that is all I have to say about that right now.
1 comment:
wow... you go girl... cant wait to
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