Thursday, January 14, 2010

It's in the stars

My horoscope for today said that my physical and mental health were intertwined. It suggested I improve my eating and moving habits, while at the same time reducing stress at work. Then it suggested that I not try to do it all at once. And I thought...


So if I need to simultaneously improve my diet, my exercise, and my stress level without doing too much, what do I do?

I always do big things. I always plan a complete menu for a year before I start a d-word. I make charts and diagrams before I exercise. I don't know about reducing stress... I've never done that.

Sooooo... small steps. Today I will NOT go to Hardee's for an omelet biscuit and smothered country potatoes. In fact, yogurt and that dried fruit muesli I made might be good. For lunch, I'll probably get a decadent salad... yummy with lots of colors. I'll think about packing lunches later.

small steps... today I will walk around the yard once (unless I get really ticked and need to take another round.) I will order the pedometer recommended by my friend Margaret.

small steps... today I will not let things piss me off because I can't control them. Things will work out. I will enroll in the City Yoga class for next Thursday for me, Katy and maybe Ellen. Then Katy & I will buy cute yoga clothes and a mat for her. (My mat has been sitting in the closet for about six months, when I bought cute clothes, some Pilate equipment and a CD.)

small steps.

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