I am not the "cult joining" type of person. I only joined the neighborhood association for the pot-luck lunch they hold once a year. Cults are way too close to being "stylish" although the style may be bizarre. I am not stylish.
I say this because I have been reading about Michael Pollan, and I pretty much like what I've read except the part about him having a "cult-like following."
Pollan says: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.
I can go with that. I can almost go with the thing about not eating food your grandmother wouldn't recognize, except that my grandmothers and great grandmothers ate mostly potatoes, rudabagas, and Twinkies. I eat much more interesting foods than they did.
I do try to avoid food with an ingredient list that is: a) over an inch long and b) mostly in Latin or Greek. Unless it's a complicated Greek recipe. But you get the point.
I keep in mind Annie's observation: men are like raindrops and women are like snowflakes. It seems to me that any diet that involves cult-like following of rules, meal plans, or no-no lists is not going to work for the snowflakes. I'm not sure it works for the raindrops. (For the raindrops: give up bread or beer, whichever you like more. Don't ask me why, but it works for men.)
Right now, I am working not to stress as tax season begins. I am eating pretty well, which I hope will help me feel better. I am thinking about exercising. I am going to a yoga class tomorrow. Really.
But I continue to have a disfunctional relationship with food. I still get upset and eat a bag of cheetoes even though I know it will make me sick. I still eat too much, too many Little Debbies, too few plants. But I'm working on it.
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