Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Embracing Health for Lent

Sunday Father Paul's sermon was a primer on Lent.  He suggested that Lent was a time of permission, an opportunity to do something different, to see things in a new way, to do or not do something the same.  He said it was a time to change things, make a sacrifice or do something better, in order to get closer to God. 

(On a side note, I'd like to commend Father Paul for preaching this entire sermon without using the word "paradigm.")

This morning, I realized that what I will do is embrace health.

I've had a headache and vague nausea for several days.  Although I did leave early and take a small nap, I have worked long hours and done afterwork appointments.  All the while telling everyone how miserable I am.  Just so you'd know, y'know?

I have known for a very long time that I can make myself sick without too much trouble.  If I worry about something, I can become violently ill in order to avoid it.  If I am tired and stressed, I can get a full-blown migraine which gives me permission to lie down.  I don't (usually) sit down and try to make myself sick, it just happens.  If I say I can't do something because I'm sick, I'll be sick.

Now, I'm going to see if I can make myself well.  The mind thing is all well and good, but I can't just think positive and feel great.  (I can to some extent, I know.)  Mostly, I am working long hours, I can't do things that I want to do, I have to do things I don't want to do, I have to be with human beings 12 or more hours a day.  I am stressed.  It's not going to change (because I choose to remain a tax accountant, mother, active church member, school supporter, etc.) for a couple of months.  What can change are some actions on my part:
  1. I'm going to quit saying, "I have a headache" everytime something comes up that frustrates me.
  2. I'm going to eat good food and not rely on the yummy delicious greasy but still yummy fast food fix.
  3. I'm going to take time to myself and actually walk rather than just talk about it.  (Where did I put the walking shoes?)
  4. I'm going to smile a calm serene smile all damn day long.  And when I see someone, I'll brighten it.  Even if I feel crappy, I can make someone else feel better.
  5. I'm going to take my medicine every day.  No more courting a stroke or heart attack.  Embrace health.
  6. I'm going to spend time just sitting and talking or playing games with my kids.  Because I want to and not because Parker Brothers says we have to have a family game night.
  7. I'm going to take time for myself to do whatever the hell I want, whether it's productive or stupid; meaningful or meaningless.
And in this way, I'm going to take care of myself and my world, so that I can clear the clutter and be closer to god.

God willing.

1 comment:

ajgallion said...

Hey, I'm one who totally understands what the yummy greasy foods do to the mind. Hang in there -- you can do this!