Thursday, May 26, 2011

When did that happen?

I have said many times that I don't DIET.  It's a bad word that is chocked full of calories, at least in my case.  I hear the word and gain weight. 

It's not about weight, I say, stepping off the scale.  It's about health.  And mine is OK... really.  All right, I'm tired, my blood pressure is high, I can't walk a mile in any one's shoes, ... did I mention that I'm tired?  But at least I've got my health... sort of.

And so, we ask, how, after the stresses of holidays followed rapidly by tax season followed by trying to catch up on my life after tax season, do I find myself here:  I've lost two & a half clothing sizes in the last year.  Three and half in the last three years.  AND I EAT ALL THE TIME.

OK, the first possibility is that I was not wearing the right size.  In my mind, I am always the same size.  Y'know what I mean?  That is usually FAT.  So I buy the same size clothes until they (almost literally) fall off my body.

This is me in 2007, at the baby shower for my first grandson:
I was either a size 18 or 20.  I have a picture from when Gabe was about 18-months (2009) in which I look more like the Michelin man (as my poor husband said in an unguarded moment, bless his heart).

Last year, I started wearing size 16, which was so cool for me I almost cried in the dressing room.  As anyone who's been there knows, 16 is in the normal ladies department; 18 is in the fat ladies department.  Sixteen is in Coldwater Creek.  Sixteen is sweet!

And this year, I noticed the 16s were a little loose.  OK, I have a flat butt.  It's genetic.  Flat is kind.  It's more like non-existent.  Except, in my case, flat and wide.  But recently, not so wide.

Then one day during tax season, I was wearing my favorite black size 18 jeans.  And they kept sliding down.  Far.  And my cotton granny pants were not meant to peak over the back of my jeans.  Ever.

And so, I drove to Walmart, tried on a pair of size 14 jeans (with a little stretch), and THEY FIT.  I didn't even have to lie down on the floor of the changing room to zip them!  To make it even better, if I buy the Petite size, I wear 12.

I am so excited I think I'll blog about it.  Oh wait, I did.

So now you are thinking, What?  I lost 10 pounds in two weeks.  Gained 20 back the next week, but that's how it works.  Three years, Kathy, you say.  Three years.

And I say, "Yeah!  And I didn't diet.  And although I joined a gym, I didn't go."  (I'm not advocating that --- I really am going to start going next week.  Really.)

So what happened?  Pills?  Surgery?  Bulimia?

NO!!!!   I started Eating the Angel Way!!!! 

I'll go into more excruciating detail tomorrow.... cause it's too good not to share.

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