Monday, March 2, 2009


The thought that has come in to my head recently, through my own comments to other, through magazine articles, through drifting considerations, is that I need to "re norm" my body again.

A month of mindful eating helps me get focused on my habits. Just by paying attention, I lost 10 lbs. But, the little thoughts say, that's really not enough. Oh, yeah, it's great to be merely "overweight" and not "obese," but if I want to dance at Brendon's wedding (and we're talking about a 6 month old here), I need to do more.

And I know what I need to do, too. Move. Not away from SC. Just move. Get up and dance. Get up and walk around the yard. Run up and down the stairs. I need to get moving to move the weight.

(Notice, I am avoiding the "E" word as well as the "D" word.)

So I think I'll pull out my cheap (free) pedometer and aim for 10,000 steps. I'll keep in mind that with this pedometer, going to the bathroom (pulling my pants down and up) counts as about 6 steps. But what's six steps (or 36) when you're talking 10,000 steps.

Here we go: Tomorrow is week one, day one of the 10,000 step challenge.

On the rainbow front: I've got all sorts of rainbow things happening. Mark pointed out that I don't have to eat an entire rainbow in each dish, and I suppose he's right. I'm just a casserole queen.

I'm also concentrating on yellow and orange, because that's what I want and because I have to deal with people all of the damn time these days.

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