Sunday, March 1, 2009

Week four, day five

My three weeks of eating the angel way ended last Wednesday, but I'm still doing it. As Annie said, just try to get the rainbow in, if it's a bad day. And I've had a couple of bad days. And I responded by eating a Hardee's omelet biscuit. Amazingly enough, it didn't do it for me. So I ate some cottage cheese & pineapple. That was good.

Confiserie by John Duffy

I have been eating banana chips at work. I have never gone for them, since they are pretty high in calories, made with added sugar (why, I ask) and oil. But now I'm addicted. And as I was eating one the other day, I thought, "This would be really good with mayonnaise." Go figure.

I guess the yellow food makes sense. I am an introvert who is compelled to interact with people five and a half days a week. I need the yellow food to help me cope. I'm doing OK. I will not complain (too much) about the choice I made. I just need a snow day. And some more yellow food.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just stopping by to say thanks for the comment. I love the pic of the market. That makes me hungry. Keep up the work on your diet. I wish I had that will power. I am trying to work on that.