Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Eating the Angel Way --- the blog

Annie has started a new blog dedicated to Eating the Angel Way, which she is writing with her research assistant. As she says, it's not all "woo-woo," the angels know their science and nutrition.

For those of us who have struggled with weight and food issues, this is a godsend. (No pun intended, I guess.) For me, the guidelines are liberatingly simple.

Of course, sometimes it's easier to follow someone else's strict plan, to eat nothing but grapefruit and rice, or to pop a pre-made meal in the microwave.

ETAW demands personal responsibility. Listen to your body. Eat what you need. Make a decision, for Pete's sake.

Don't blame the mean girls in middle school. (They are all either fatter than you or meth-head skeletons now anyway.) Don't blame your mother, even if she did start each day by asking you "do you need to eat that?" Don't blame Aunt Annie, who embraced you in her size X-to-the-10th-power-L loving arms and offered you cake with peeps whenever you walked into the room.

This is about you. You and that tablespoon full of mayonnaise.

The first step is meditation, to become aware of your body. To feel breathing. To remember hunger. I have trouble meditating because I fall asleep. I had a 5 minute CAT scan and fell asleep on the little tube you have to lie on. That's another issue...

The second step is keeping track of what you eat, plot it, think about it, put it on a color coded Excel spread sheet --- I made the last part up. I love me some color coded Excel spreadsheets. I don't love keeping track of my eating. I lie to myself and my little notebook. That's another issue...

I encourage y'all to check out Eating the Angel Way.. the blog. I'll try to be amusing as I follow along and share my adventure. Let me know how it's going for you. I'm nosy. But that's another issue...

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