Sunday, May 3, 2009

Bless my heart...

OK, in my quest for quirky ways to get motivated, I've found which is supposed to help me clean my house and improve my health. Cool, huh?

Anyway, May is move in May month or something like that. When you log in your minutes, they add it to everyone else's and tell you where you've gone. Cute, but I want to know where I've gone, not the 10 billion other people.

SOOOOO... I am walking to San Francisco. I can't find a cool Internet thingy that will let me pick where I live and where I want to go and let me fill in the miles as I go. Someone ought to make one of those. For free.

I have a map & mileage on an Excel spreadsheet. I am going to track my miles. Today I plan to walk about a mile. I think it will take me three years to get to San Francisco, but who knows, I might have some longer walks along the way. I don't want to blow my wad on the first day. :D

In other exciting news, I cleaned the bathroom while Gabe played in the tub. I feel soooo very GOOD, I think I'll take a nap.

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