Friday, May 1, 2009

The chart

I kept the food journal (more or less) for a week. It was not a good week.

I made a chart (using my ultra-fine sharpies) with the date, ROYGBiv, brown (grains & stuff), and white for protein. My husband glanced over and said, "kind of back loaded there, huh?" I nodded.

Last week, I ate a good bit of fruit, but the veggies were limited to squash casserole and green beans (cooked with pork) at Lizard's Thicket & the lettuce and tomato on the burgers and chicken sandwiches.

The brown was mostly whole grain, because that's what I eat. Well, except the white bread rolls for the burgers and the white pasta with the mac&cheese from Lizard's Thicket.

The protein, aside from the above mentioned burgers, as maybe not so bad. Lean, for the most part. Still... country fried steak probably is NOT on any angel's menu.

So this week, I am preparing good lunches for work so I won't be tempted to run to Hardee's. I am going to eat a good colorful breakfast. I have a muesli I made with dried bananas, cranberries, blueberries, raisins and dates. When I put it on yogurt with a little honey, it is really good (I'm not just saying that to make myself believe it) and it will keep me full most of the day. I also have whole wheat English muffins, peanut butter, and bananas. And then, for special occasions, breakfast burritos with egg, diced red, yellow, orange, & green peppers, & cheese. And a blueberry smoothie to get that elusive Biv in the day.

I have joined the 20th century (and can almost see the 21st) by purchasing a Blackberry curve. I am going to use it to keep track of my meals, as soon as I figure out how. Right now, I'm having a little trouble answering the phone.

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