This time I really am going to walk and lift weights and do yoga and eat nothing but delicious healthy food and loose 20 lbs before school is out...
Yeah right
Today read Kim's post about weight. I know she eats well, and much more healthily (is that the word?) than I do. I know she is more active. As she says, most people think she is a ball of energy. And yet, she thinks she needs to do something.... different.
Her post sort of solidified something I've been thinking about me. I talk a good game, but when it comes to actually eating well... not so much.
It's not that I don't eat vegetables and fruits, low fat dairy and high-fiber foods. I do. I don't eat a lot at one time. I almost always need a to-Joe* box.
It's just that every once in awhile (every other day or so... OK?) I eat something not so good: fried fish, a HUGE bowl of Breyers Ice Cream, a bag of crunchy Cheetos.
And when you consider that I'm 5'4" and as active as a pet rock, I really don't need many calories AT ALL.
As far as activity goes, I don't. I used to walk to USC (South Carolina) and back every weekday, about 2 miles plus all of the walking around a huge campus. I used to walk to and stumble from the bars in 5-pts, easily working off the beer I drank. Yesterday I opted out of walking less than a mile to a picnic where Bob was singing. He would have given me a ride home, too. It's not even hot yet... only in the high 80s. And then I wonder why I'm fat.
AND HERE WE HAVE IT: the plan.
Dear Diary:
But, of course, that isn't really a plan, it is a goal, and that has been my problem.
I have given lip service to Eating the Angel Way, but in fact, I haven't made any real effort to change my bad habits.
OK, Kath, here's the deal. Just because it's natural doesn't mean it's easy. Intuition takes hard work, especially in the beginning.
I need to figure out what works for me. Since I'm INTP, I tend to think too much, but maybe I can make that work. Recognize that I need a chart, a graph, a visual organizer.
That's cool, but don't spend so much time thinking and making pretty charts that you forget to eat and walk, K?
OK. I'll let you know what I figure out.
Have you ever been to a site It's a really great site with tracking tools for your exercise and food. But best of all is that there is a community of great people who will motivate and inspire you. They have both free and paid memberships. I always used the free one and it was enough. Good luck!
I'll check that out. I love free on-line tools.
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