Monday, January 26, 2009

Eating the Angel Way

I am starting by keeping track of my eating. Last year, I joined the Oprah Winfrey thing, I forget what it was called. The cool thing was that for the first couple of weeks you just kept track of food. They suggested meals, but I always mixed it up. The website kept track of calories, nutrients, and all kinds of fun things, but I'm not going to worry about that too much. I spent way too much time thinking about food.

So, for the angel way of eating (from Annie Kelleher), I am eating a rainbow a day, plenty of protein (white food), and not so much brown food --- the rest of the stuff.

Today, for breakfast:
  • two pieces of whole wheat toast

  • peanut butter

  • banana

  • coffee

For lunch:
  • tuna salad with corn
  • small whole-grain pita
  • Romaine lettuce
  • tomato slice

For snack:

  • mixed veggies: cauliflower, carrot, broccoli, beets
  • cheese

For supper:

  • tacos
  • lettuce
  • tomato
  • black olives
  • cheese